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Bee Propolis : 59351: Cap, (Btl-Plastic) 650mg 120ct

Regular price $31.89 USD
Regular price Sale price $31.89 USD
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  • Bringing you the authentic healing power of Bees
  • Helping you maintain good health through the foods you eat
  • Rigorously tested and trusted for over 40 years

Preserving the healing powers of authentic bee products since 1965.

As a Vermont beekeeper in the 1960s, Todd Hardy knew his premium, raw, unfiltered honeys were a great natural alternative to the honeys that lined supermarket shelves. His products were not only delicious, but they also retained the full health benefits of traditional honey.

Today, Honey Gardens has grown to offer a host of apitherapy products, from propolis and royal jelly to flavorful honeys and syrups with the immunity-supporting power of elderberries and herbs. All delicious ways to promote genuine, good health through genuine, clean foods.